Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Travel Tips You Probably Never Heard Before

Author Bio:
Keith Jones is the founder of Baja Jones Adventures, Jones Adventures, Tigress Tours in Thailand and Butanding Tours in the Philippine Islands and has led thousands of people to Mexico and other interesting locations around the world. He specializes in gray whale tour, blue whale tour, gray and blue whale combo tour, giant panda bear tour, walk a tiger tour, shark tour, African safari tour, African gorilla trek, arctic narwhal tour and Magdalena Bay whale watching tour. He also writes about Baja travel and gray whales. Keith Jones is the author of Gray Whales My Twenty Years of Discovery.

1.  Rubber bands, here are just a few uses when traveling.
     A.  Toothpaste tube that won’t stay rolled up as you use paste. Just wrap a rubber band around the rolled up end to keep it in rolled.
     B.  When packing for a trip roll your T-shirts and underwear instead of folding them.  Keep them tightly and neatly rolled with rubber bands.
     C.  For all those electronic cords you have to carry; neatly roll and rubber band them individually for ease of storage in a zipper style plastic bag.  Consider taping a label to each cord if you find it is a pain in the butt to figure out which cord goes with which camera, phone, Ipad or Ebook reader.

2.  Carry along a small USB powered fan to cool your laptop.  I promise this device will make your laptop live longer. If you aim the fan so it blows on you, that’s a plus.

3.  When going from inside air conditioned space to outdoor humid hot tropic air keep your camera, laptop and other electronics in a protective bag and don’t use them right away after going outside.  Allow the temperature inside the bag to slowly raise to the outside temperature.  This will help prevent condensation forming on the inside of your electronic device, possibly causing irreparable damage.

If you’re curious about this phenomenon simply order a glass of water with ice the next time you happen to be out somewhere hot.  Water will instantly condense on the outside of the glass.  Imagine this happening inside your laptop or inside your digital camera.  You know what the results will be.  Even if the camera doesn’t die that very moment, it’s lifespan has surely been shortened.

4.  Carry a thermal drink cup with lid in your carry on.  Why?  I drink tea, you might drink one of the new instant coffee drinks or some other powdered mix drink.  I carry my own tea bags and sweetener in my carry on bag.  Almost no weight or space is lost.  But now I can walk to the plane galley on my own schedule and fill my cup with hot water.  I put the lid on, return to my seat and enjoy my drink of choice without waiting for the drink cart.  And I can do this as often as I want.  Sometimes if you hand your own drink glass to the flight attendant when they are serving and ask very nicely she may fill that big cup with soda for you, thus giving you a real person sized drink, instead of the miniature 4 ounce serving the typical airline plastic glass provides.

In this age of air travel you need to gain every edge you can get over the airlines.  This trick is one I use successfully on almost every flight I take.

Keith Jones
Baja Jones Adventure Travel

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